Results After treatment, the labial inclination of upper and lower incisors was reduced. The occlusal plane angle was increased and molars were extruded. 结果AngleⅡ1病例矫治后的硬组织改变主要表现为上下切牙唇倾度的减小,(牙合)平面角的增加及磨牙的伸长;
The effects of the orientation of occlusal plane on the maximum bite force in complete denture wearers 总义齿咬合平面定位对最大咬合力的影响
Results: Normal facial appearance and occlusal plane and masticatory function were restored in 43 cases of the patients, relapse was found in one patient after operation. 结果:除一例患者偏颌畸形术后1年复发外,其余患者均恢复了对称的面部形态、咀嚼功能、咬合关系和咬合平面,治疗效果满意。
The 30 volunteers were divided into 3 groups according to FMA: 10 were short-face pattern, 13 were normal and 7 were long-face pattern. And CT scan was made. The plane of the CT scan was parallel to the occlusal plane. 根据眶耳平面-下颌平面角(FMA)大小将30名志愿者分成3组:短面型组10人,正常组13人,长面型组7人。
The anchorage of the upper and lower first molar in anterior-posterior and vertical direction were controlled preferably. Occlusal plane angle ( OP-SN) did not significantly change. 上下磨牙垂直向及矢状向支抗得到较好控制,牙合平面角无明显改变;
Rotation of occlusal plane must be controlled; 牙合平面的旋转;
A Physiological Study of Orientation of Occlusal Plane in Complete Dentures Construction 总义齿咬合平面定位的生理学研究
2) No significant difference was found between two groups in the posture of tongue body ( Ltg1-7) and the tongue area above occlusal plane. 2)舌体的上部形态(Ltg1-7)及牙合平面以上的面积二者之间没有显著差异。